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A little victimless crime / Dirty wishes on my mind
Kabuto had thought a no strings attached, friends-with-benefits type of relationship with Oboro would have few risks aside from the semi-public nature of Oboro's taste in encounters. Pity those pesky feelings can get in the way.

Relationships: Oboro Mochizuki/Kirisaki Kabuto
Characters: Oboro Mochizuki, Kirisaki Kabuto
Rating: M
Type: Oneshot
Words: 3,566
Warnings: None
Tags: future fic, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, quick Kabuto/OC because of playboy tendencies
Originally posted: 2023-03-25 Logo for Archive Of Our Own in pink



This can be read as a stand-alone but goes together with my previous fic "Sure don't look like friends". This is a bit more cheesy lol

I keep staring at this so just throwing this up and go. Also I bought really lovely fabric to sew clothes in yesterday, so hyped to for them to dry from pre-washing. Procrasting on the touchups I need to do on my cosplays for next month is a fulltime job.

It had started as something casual, as all relationships did for Kabuto. He was a man who didn’t really care for conventional relationships, never really had. He’d always gone for hookups rather than partners. Getting feelings involved made things messy and dangerous, in his humble opinion, so he tended to avoid it like the plague.

This is why sleeping with Oboro had seemed like such a perfect fit at first.

When they first met he had quickly learned the older man had more than a few screws loose, his reaction to the life and death situation not making for the best first impression. Of course he thought he was attractive, he’d throught so when he’d seen the actor on TV as well, but it had been dampened by his personality for a while.

Of course, Kabuto had a tendency to think with his dick sometimes, which had landed him in hot water more than one time. Thus, one day when he was in the middle of running away from a guy who was pissed at him for sleeping with his girlfriend (some habits die hard), he found refuge in Oboro’s apartment.

They’d spent a bit of time together while waiting for Ageha to wake up again, and at some point Oboro had told him his address. Somehow he hadn’t forgotten it, and had snuck into the building when the man chasing him didn’t notice, taking the elevator up to his floor. He rang the doorbell, uncertain if the man was even home. Oh well, he could hide out in the building until he was either safe or kicked out if he wasn’t.

But Oboro had been home, and quite surprised to see him.

“Sup. Can I come in? I need to hide out for a bit.”

Oboro seemed confused but opened the door wider to let him in nonetheless.

Kabuto looked around the large apartment as he was led inside. He was pretty sure he could fit his own apartment at least three or four times over inside Oboro’s home. It was huge, seeming even bigger by the sparse but tasteful decorating. He wondered briefly if he had decorated himself or if a stylist had done it for him. Given Oboro’s fame and success he was sure he could afford that.


They ended up in the bathroom for some reason.


“Uh. Why’re we in here?”

“I was about to take a bath,” Oboro informed him, as if that meant he needed to bring Kabuto in there with him.

A confused look made its way onto Kabuto’s face. “Okay? Shouldn’t I wait in the livingroom or something, then?”

“Oh?” Oboro looked surpirised, as if the thought hadn’t even hit him. “If you want to, I suppose.”

It felt a little bit too awkward to just be standing there while the other washed himself, so Kabuto nodded as he fiddled with one of his necklaces. “Yeah, uh, I’ll do that.”

After about 30 minutes of waiting, Kabuto was unsure on if he should just leave. The possibility that Oboro had completely forgotten he was there was more than zero, but then the front door would be unlocked and that spelled out trouble, especially if he had any potential stalkers. No, that sounded like a bad idea.

So instead he settled on snooping around a little.


He walked through the apartment, running his fingers over the spines of the books in the bookshelf next to the livingroom couch. Looked over the cookbooks that looked barely used in the kitchen. He’d just gotten to the bedroom when he heard the door to the bathroom open and he popped his head into the hallway.

He opened his mouth to call out to the other man, but his mouth went dry at the sight of Oboro. He was dressed in nothing but a fluffy blue bathrobe and slippers, the front of the bathrobe pulled sloppily together, showing a great deal of his chest. Water was dripping down it as he clearly spent too little time drying himself off.

Hot damn.

Oboro’s eyes met his, the other man laughing. “Thank you,” he said, making Kabuto start.

Did he say that out loud? Well, if Oboro didn’t mind… “You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were trying to seduce me.”


Oboro’s eyes narrowed, a slight smirk on his face. He wandered over to the bedroom entrance. “You’re already in my bedroom, I could say the same to you.”


Kabuto stared back up at him, before grabbing onto the collar of the bathrobe, pulling him down to his level.

Their lips crashed together with little regard for anything else, lips clashing, teeth clicking until they found the right angle. Oboro stepped forward, forcing Kabuto back until the back of his legs hit the bed. He fell back onto it, Oboro quickly following, pushing him down into the mattress. He could feel Oboro’s warm body pressed against him.

The excited groan he let out was quickly swallowed by Oboro’s lips on his.

Things were a blur after that.


Everything was a whirlwind of kissing, sex, groping, touches in inappropriate places. Kabuto quickly learned that Oboro was turned on by semi-public sex. He was sure that he’d have sex in the open street if he thought he could get away with it, but at least he had sense enough not to go that far.

Time ticked by, and Ageha finally woke up from his coma. Life was easy for a while. Oboro would catch him any time he could spare between jobs, and Kabuto took up photography. Sometimes he would take pictures of Oboro; somehow he almost always turned out looking ethereal, like something not quite real. He tucked those photos away in a folder in the bottom of a drawer. Somehow they felt too private to show anyone else.

For however often they fucked, they never spent the night at each others place.

It was late at night, few people out on the streets at this point. Kabuto was on his way over to the convenience store to buy something to eat, the rain coming down in a heavy pour. He had completely forgotten to check the weather before he went outside, and when he was almost at the store the sky opened. He decided to wait it out rather than try to go home right away. Most of the time heavy rain like this only lasted for a little while until it calmed down.


While he stood there, back against the glass of the conbini, plastic bag with snacks hanging from his wrist, hands stuffed in his pockets, he heard a voice call his name. Looking up, he saw none other than Oboro, who, unlike him, seemed to have remembered to bring an umbrella with him.

“Oh, hey,” Kabuto greeted. “You still up? Don’t you have to leave for Gunma tomorrow morning?”

“I do.” Oboro stepped into the shelter of the store’s roof, folding his umbrella. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Yeah, that’ll happen.” Most of them still had the occasional nightmare about everything that happened, or got too on edge to relax sometimes. Oboro had seemed to delight in the thrill of it all more than most, but it had still taken a toll on his mind.

Oboro hummed in agreement before heading towards the entrance. “I’ll be right back, wait for me.”

Kabuto was just about to respond that that he wasn’t really going anywhere til the rain eased up, but Oboro was gone before he got the chance. He closed his mouth again, shifting his weight a little where he stood, and waited.


It only took a couple of minutes for Oboro to come back outside, putting something in his pocket as he stepped through the doors. Without saying a word, he reached out for Kabuto, a hand at the back of his neck. Even though they could easily be spotted, Kabuto let his eyes close as he leaned into the kiss. He didn’t even notice when Oboro stepped closer, ushering him to the side until Kabuto could feel the rain pouring over them. He yelped, pulling back.

“What’re you doing?!” He was already wet and cold, he didn’t need to get completely soaked. Oboro laughed, smile wide on his face. “I’m demonstrating a scene from the movie we’re shooting tomorrow.”

“Kissing in the rain? Really? What kinda cheesy movie did you say yes to?” Kabuto snorted, but couldn’t help but be a little bit amused. “I doubt you’re gonna have the producers make it rain on you this hard on the shoot. Doesn’t really set the mood.”

“So you won’t let me kiss you again, right now?”

“I didn’t say that .”

Eventually Ageha figured them out. It took him way longer than it should have, considering Sakurako had figured out what they were doing ages ago. But she left her boyfriend to figure it out on his own, clearly amused by his cluelessness.


They’d been fucking for several years by then, without any sign of stopping. Meanwhile, Kabuto had found himself hooking up with his other regular bedmates less often. He didn’t really reflect on why. Fucking Oboro was easy; they didn’t have to jump over certain topics that other people knew nothing about. When with others he always found a certain subsection of his subconscious on guard, ready to shield himself from potential questions. It was frankly tiring.

Over time he found himself seeking out Oboro for more than just sex related things.

If it freaked him out a little bit, he pretended not to notice.

One particularly nasty night found Oboro over at his apartment. It was nothing close to as grand as Oboro’s, but he thought it was nice enough. It was cramped and cluttered, but had a certain order to it that calmed him down. They’d spent the last several hours in bed, doing all manners of things that would make the most stoic person blush.

The weather had been fine enough when Oboro got there, but by the time things calmed down in the bedroom there was a storm warning and people were recommended not to go outside unless it was a real emergency.

For the first time in his life, Kabuto found himself offering someone to stay the night at his place.

They had been in the middle of watching a game show that very same night, a bag of popcorn on the coffee table in front of them while they waited for the storm to ease up. They could hear the loud and incessant smatter of raindrops hitting the windows in quick succession outside when Oboro promptly sat up straight next to him, scooting over further away.

Kabuto watched him with confusion, until the other man shifted, putting his head on Kabuto’s lap. The younger stared at him in surprise. “What’re you doing?”

“I’m feeling tired,” came the simple explanation. “But it’s a bit early for bedtime again, isn’t it?”

Kabuto clicked his tongue, but didn’t push him away.

After that first time he let Oboro stay over, it became a regular occurrence.

It felt strange, odd, foreign to have another person know your own space so well. Not even his uncle moved as freely around his apartment. When he asked Oboro he only said he felt comfortable in the little apartment. In his space.

He’d never had someone else feel so at ease with him before.

It had been a solid month since Kabuto slept with anyone that wasn’t a very specific longhaired actor, and it made Kabuto feel uneasy


Not because he had started to dislike sleeping with him, but because he liked to do so much more than sleeping with him. And because he barely even spared a thought to any of his other fuckbuddies anymore.

So, coming to a decision, he had called off his plans with Oboro for the night and hit up one of his other hookups. 

This is how he found himself in a slightly shady nightclub in Shinjuku, dancing with a woman he’d known for a few years and slept with for just as long. She used to work as a hostess at a cabacura but had to quit when she got in trouble for dating a customer. Now her and her on–again-off-again boyfriend were frequent visitors at the Shinjuku nightscene, all hot bodies and eager to take someone home with them for the night.

So far Kabuto had only slept with the former hostess, but tonight he had promised to go home with both of them. It was refreshing to get to be with both parties in a relationship without getting in trouble with the other. He couldn’t help but feel the excitement thrum through his body in pace with the heavy bass in the music when they grinded against him on the dancefloor. The boyfriend’s grip on his hips was bruising, the girlfriend’s fingers trailing around his waist to the front of his jeans. Clearly Oboro wasn’t the only exhibitionist.

He felt her grab both and her boyfriend’s hands in hers, dragging them into the back rooms for some more privacy. The lock clicked behind them as they entered the room in the adjoining love hotel behind the club. You could pass through the club to get in there, or you could enter from the next street over and cross through the love hotel and get straight to the club. It was a very convenient setup for a bunch of drunk and horny people to gather.


Long nails moved in under his shirt and up his chest, tugging at one of his piercings. His hips jerked and he closed his eyes to the sensation as the man with them grinded his hardon against his ass. Fuck.


He heard the sound of shifting fabric, and when he opened his eyes the woman was completely naked in front of him. He leaned forward, kissing his way from her neck down her chest. Her fingers moved down his body to the button of his jeans when he suddenly felt himself freeze. The other two didn’t notice his shift in mood, hands moving across his skin, fumbling with his fly until he recomposed himself. He moved out of the way of their hands, disgruntled complaints heard from the two.

“Sorry, I, I gotta, I gotta go.”

“What the fuck man, what’s wrong with you?” The man looked angry, but nothing compared to other faces he’d seen before. The rage didn’t bother him more than for a fleeting moment.

“I’m really sorry about this,” Kabuto repeated, pulling up his fly and buttoning his jeans again as he hurriedly backed out of the room.

“Lose my number!” he heard a voice call as he closed the door behind him. With little regard for what he looked like he rushed out of the hotel.

He reached Oboro’s apartment in record time.


Once the elevator doors closed behind him he leaned forward, gripping the handlebar to the side like he would keel over if he didn’t have it as support. What the fuck had he just done? He’d lost a perfectly good chance for some fun, all because of what? A man he deemed absolutely insane? He bent down into a crouch, arms over his head as his hands kept their grip on the handlebar. Who was he to call anyone else insane now? How absolutely cliché of a way to realise his own feelings.

The elevator doors opened with a ding, but he couldn’t bring himself to stand quite yet.

He stared at the ground as the doors closed again, and the elevator slowly moved to a different floor.




He lifted his head, now face to face with the source of all his current problems.

“God damn it…!” Kabuto found himself tugging Oboro into the elevator, pressing the button for the man’s floor. As soon as the doors closed behind them, he moved in, ignoring the potential for a security camera inside the metal box. “God fucking damn it…!” he grumbled between kisses, quickly losing what breath he had regained after his sprint there.


The elevator dinged again and they pulled apart just in time for the doors to open. One of Oboro’s neighbours gave them a weird look as she stepped inside and they quickly exited, making their way to the apartment.

Once inside, Kabuto knocked his head against the hallway wall, making Oboro blink in confusion.

“What are you doing?”

“I was about to have a really fucking amazing threesome and I left because of you .”



Kabuto swivelled around, grabbing Oboro by the lapels of his shirt, reminiscent of their first encounter that turned sexual. “I couldn’t fuck them. I just kept thinking about you . I must be certifiably insane.”

A smug look made its way onto Oboro’s face. “So I guess you like me back?”



Kabuto was at a loss. Honestly, he hadn’t planned very far ahead of what he would do after getting here, and he had given absolutely no thought to what Oboro himself might say. If he had, this wouldn’t even have been something he’d put on a potential list of reactions. “‘Back’?”


“I like you, as more than friends with benefits. It’s a wonder how you didn’t notice, I’ve liked you for a while now, but I didn’t want to say anything.”

Kabuto stood dumbstruck at his place right in front of the front door, staring up into Oboro’s eyes, but he found no hint of deception in them. His deathgrip on Oboro’s shirt slowly loosened, and he lowered his hands. Oboro moved his hands to take his. He was right in not having outright told him about his feelings. If he had, Kabuto would have ended their arrangement right then and there. Kabuto probably would have fucked over the whole friendship with his unwillingness to feel things like that. But like this, he had wandered right into Oboro’s waiting arms.

“The hell would you do that for?”

It was Oboro’s turn to look surprised. “Do what?”

“Like me more than that? No one’s ever done that before.”

“What’s there not to like? You’re cute, funny, nice but also mean in just the right amount for me.”

Kabuto’s eyebrows furrowed, and he leaned back against the door. He stared up into the ceiling. “Huh.” Look at that. He landed himself right into a relationship without even noticing and his whole world wasn’t ending (metaphorically this time).


“I’d like to kiss you now, if that’s alright.”


Kabuto nodded absentmindedly, head still full of thoughts.

He expected a deep kiss, tongue and teeth, but to his surprise the lips on his were gentle. He snapped back to attention. “What was that?”

“A kiss.”

“You’ve never kissed me like that before.”

“Did you dislike it?”

He mulled it over, turning the thought of the feeling over in his head. “No,” he decided. “I liked it. It was just… different.”

Oboro shifted his grip on his hands to hold only one, leading him further into the apartment. “It’s a kiss to celebrate that we’re finally boyfriends.”

“We are?”

“If you don’t mind.” They came to a stop in front of the bed, in front of the massive windows and glass door that led to the balcony. He’d always found the location of such big windows in the bedroom a bit obscene. 

“I don’t mind.”

“Good. I’m going to make love to you now, if you’d like.”


Kabuto felt his cheeks burn in a way they hadn’t done in years. How did it sound so lewd when it was spoken in such a romantic way? He was used to talking dirty and being talked dirty to, but this? This was new. It made his heart beat faster in his chest.



“Quit asking and fuck me already.”


That made Oboro giggle.

Afterwards Kabuto lay staring up into the ceiling above the bed. Try as he might, he couldn’t recall a time he’d been treated so tenderly in bed before. He wouldn’t have pegged Oboro for being a gentle lover after all this time, and for the most part they both liked it rough, but this… this was different. There was a reason Oboro had called it making love instead of fucking. It cemented that they really weren’t just friends with benefits anymore. He covered his burning face with his hands as he felt Oboro’s eyes on him.


It took a long time until either of them speak, Oboro letting him take his time to gather his thoughts. “I’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before,” he admitted, though he doubted it came as a surprise. “No one’s ever asked.”

“I’ve had a girlfriend before,” Oboro offered.


“It was in kindergarten."

Kabuto cracked up at that, a peal of warm laughter escaping him. He threw a soft pillow at the other man, Oboro catching it with ease. “I’m not sure that counts, man.”


Oboro sat up, leaning in close to him.

“Better make this time count, then.”


Kabuto yelped as Oboro pounced, pinning him to the bed. This time the kiss was deep, intense in its passion. Kabuto shifted until he was straddling the other man, letting himself be ravished by deft hands.

“Yeah…” he gasped when Oboro bit and sucked his way across his collarbones, leaving marks like a necklace. “I won’t let either of us say this one doesn’t count.”



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