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With a scent of butter and bone
Dragonkind finally comes out of hibernation during spring. Mina seeks out her favourite person immediately.

Relationships: Ashido Mina/Yanagi Reiko
Characters: Ashido Mina, Yanagi Reiko
Rating: G
Type: Oneshot
Words: 771
Warnings: None
Tags: Dragon Mina, necromancer Reiko, fluff
Originally posted: 2020-12-19 Logo for Archive Of Our Own in pink


The early morning silence was shattered by a yawn so loud the birds the closest kilometers took flight. The rumble of it made pebbles shiver and deer flee, until it abruptly ended.


Yellow eyes with double eyelids slowly blinked in the warm sunlight of spring as a big body made its way out of its cave. The dragon made its way toward the small cottage only a few hundred meters away, pink scales glinting in the sun. The snout pressed against the window in the back, fogging it up, and with a gigantic claw it tapped on the harlequin patterned stained glass.


After a minute, the hasp locks scraped against each other, and the window opened. 


The dragon was met by the sleepy face of a young woman with straight grey hair, and though it was tousled from sleep it still covered one of her eyes. With a happy chirp that made the glass shiver, the dragon nuzzled the woman’s face. A sleepy smile made its way onto the woman’s face. “You’re finally awake. But if you want breakfast you need to fit in the house.”


There was a happy twinkle to the dragon’s eye, and it took a few steps back. With a swooping of wings it was up in the air, acid dripping from its form as it morphed. With a dramatic loop in the air, a woman a similar age to the one in the cottage dove through the window, wrapping her arms around the taller. Her pink hair was wild and curly, skin pink with pieces of protruding scales on her cheeks, shoulders and arms. The wings were vibrant, her tail swishing happily side to side before wrapping itself around the other woman’s leg to keep them together. Golden horns spiralled over her head in a majestic crown. “Reiko! I missed you so much!”


The silver haired, Reiko, wrapped her arms around the dragon woman from her new position on the floor, having been knocked over by the other’s excitement. “You’ve been asleep the whole time. If anything, I’m the one who’s missed you.”


The pink woman flapped her wings to pull them back to their feet, whooping in joy as she pressed her lips to Reiko’s forehead. “I dreamt about you,” she whispered into the grey hair, smiling from ear to ear when she pulled back, tugging her to the kitchen. She knew the layout of the tiny cottage like the back of her hand.


With a flip of her hand, Reiko filled the kettle with water while Mina breathed fire into the old iron stove where wood had already been stacked while they were greeting each other. Skeleton animals skittered around the home. “Mina?” Reiko called over her shoulder, the dragon looking over at her from where she was singing to the flames. “Blueberry or sea buckthorn?” She was in her pantry, arms stacked with all kinds of breakfast items.


Mina’s long ears stood straight up as her stomach growled in interest. “How about both?”


Another hand movement from Reiko and the jars of jam lifted into the air only to be taken into the arms of skeletons; one a quasit and the other a weasel. A large skeleton crab carried the cutlery, and Mina took the metal from its pincers, giving it a cheery thank you. When one dated a necromancer, skeletons were something one gets used to.


Eventually, the table was set, the aroma of sweet tea and warm bread filled every nook and cranny of the kitchen, spreading throughout the entire cottage.


Mina leaned into her girlfriend’s touch, pressing her face into the other woman’s hair. “You smell amazing,” she murmured, kissing her through the strands of grey. “Like spring and bones.”


Reiko smiled wider, running her fingers through Mina’s curls, massaging her scalp. The dragon purred, showering pale skin in kisses before she pulled back so they could finally eat. 


While Reiko buttered a piece of bread, the scent of melting butter making Mina’s stomach growl again, the necromancer spoke. “You’re the only one who finds the smell of bone attractive.” Mina giggled as she put an ungodly amount of both blueberry and sea buckthorn jam on a thick slice from the loaf. “I am a dragon after all.” She tapped Reiko on the lips with a jam-covered finger, making the other lick her lips before taking a bite out of her sandwich, Mina grinning, leaning against the human as she too started eating.


The rest of breakfast was spent in companionable silence, with the two occasionally leaning into each other's touch, happy to be reunited after a long, cold winter.


I wanted to write something sweet and fluffy so here we goooo

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