Home page

The original layout of the art section and homepage of this site was built using sadgirl.online's layout builder.

I used w3schools a lot, both the website and with help from the mods and users on their discord.
Note that if you use w3s for modal images and plan on using alt text for its intended purposes, as they decided to turn the alt text into a caption instead, remove the JavaScript line "captionText.innerHTML = this.alt;" and just write the caption in the modal box in the HTML. Then you'll be able to use the alt text as usual. I recommend this post on stack overflow to get captions that aren't using the alt text, as well as this post if you want to have multiple images.

Here's a post of my own where I got help with custom thumbnails and making the images square.
Stack overflow has also been a lot of help in the building of this site.


Heart shaped jam cookie raspberry strawberry purple VHS tape pink heart-shaped cake red cherry on a dollop of cream takeuchi's stigmata from mars red cookie dough bar hallongrotta Mikey from Tokyo Revengers' head with cat ears pekeJ from Tokyo Revengers' head popcorn and kernel kernel popcorn spoon skull pink d20 orange d20 green d20 green d10

Above cursors were made by me.
Feel free to use them as long as you link back to me on your page.

Cursors not made by me from Cursors-4u:
blue arrow with sparkles Blue glitter pointer
Red lips Red lips
bat Bat
pink music note Pink note (blue version just had its colours tweaked by me, this is the original)

moon and stars Moon cursor is from themediary on tumblr

pink pointing hand with little heart next to it. pink square turned on its corner.
Pink pointer, Pink Neon Glass cursor made by ツ☪ Nalexnu ♡♥

white plus with blue and purple outline Vaporwave plus cursor is by Foxxey

blood splatter vaguely in the shape of a heart Blood splatter cursor is by Glitchy

black plus Black plus is by MaroDiamond9

Funky little stuff

The sparkle trail code can be found on Snazzy space

The rainbow sparkle trail code can be found on Codepen by user Sarah

The large sparkle trail code can be found on a post on Stackoverflow by user AGrush

The applause button can be found here.

How to add an RSS feed to your neocities website. Direct link to remove HTML so you can put it in the RSS feed.
RSS link's timestamp generator is broken, use this one instead.

Dither it" - Makes the file size smaller and adds a pixelated look to images.


Make sure to check the use guidelines for the individual fonts; not all are allowed for commercial sue.

I have yet to actually use all these fonts, but I decided to share the links to them so I don't have to do it later.

Cherish font by Asterism. Asterism banner
[download here]

Titillium Web font by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino .
[download here]

LovelyValentine font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

Unicorn font by Nick Curtis.
[download here]

MellowMelody font by Asterism.
[download here]

Bubble Candy font by Edric Studio.
[download here]

GLAMOURGIRL font by Pizzadude.
[download here]

LilyScriptOne font by Julia Petretta.
[download here]

Mishaland font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

Rommantis font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

AirstreamNF font by Nick Curtis.
[download here]

Mckloud font by Apostrophic Labs. Comes in different variations.
[download here]

NeonSans font by GGBotNet.
[download here]

Famulred font by Koplexs Studio.
[download here]

fabfeltscript bold font by Fabien Despinoy.
[download here]

Thirteen Pixel Fonts font by 30100flo.
[download here]

Candyboy font by RoninDesign.
[download here]

Sunny Spells font by nhfonts.
[download here]

Graphics etc

You can find a lot of cute graphics all around, but here are some of the places I've found some (some that I have yet to use but wanted to link to anyway)

Cinni's Dream House Nyaa the-land-of-fandoms loves1ck.neocities.org

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