Candyland is a small planet housing a range of beings of countless flavours and varieties, that was until very recently a monarchy, but now the royal family holds no actual power. A few decades back a queen from a different planet tried to invade, but that has been settled, and since then, nothing major has really happened on the planet.
I think the first characterout of these was Teala or Gumdrop, a very long time ago. It's been a few yea
Gumdrop tends to fall fast and hard for others, no matter how cautious she tries to be. Sometimes her crushes work out, but a lot of the time things tend to fall apart for her. She's crushed on most of her friends at some point, though those crushes she keeps to herself and lets go of, as she finds her friends way too important to risk anything.
Against her better judgement she tried to be friends with benefits with the incubus Puchi. She really should have known that she would fall in love eventually. Those types of relationships work for some, but she gets far too emotionally invested far too easily. She never told Puchi she loved her, but Puchi still knew. They're trying to figure out how to rework their friendship now. She has some level of heritage from the same planet Annéa is from, though it's further back.
Gumdrop stands at 167 cm tall, is 28 years old and a lesbian. She has old healed self-harm scars, in a much better place mentally now than she used to be. She's a painter who primarily works with watercolour and silk (at different times).

Sorbet Soft
For a long time, Sorbet has been a magical girl. But what happens when the villain is defeated and the country is safe? Well, as for Sorbet, she married said villain. She isn't too sure herself how it started, when she started to fall in love with the woman from another planet who kept terrorising Candyland, but she did. Luckily for the two fo them, everything worked out, and they got married about 20 years back after several years of dating.
Now, Sorbet only needs to put out smaller fires than the world-ending kind, and for that she's happy. She has her mind set on other goals now, such as starting a family. She already has some experience in raising children after all, as she practically raised her mascot companion (name/design still pending).
Sorbet is a lesbian, 127 years old and 168 cm tall.

Annea Soft
For eleven years, Annéa tried in vain to defeat Sorbet, but before she knew it, she enjoyed their fights more and more, unable to take her eyes off the magical girl. She doesn't know how it happened, but eventually the fighting turned less deadly and more playful, until finally, she realised that her goals had completely shifted. She didn't want Candyland anymore; not if it didn't have Sorbet in it.
They went from enemies to lovers, their wedding one of the grandest in Candyland. Annéa doesn't know the details of how she was pardoned, but she isn't looking to squander her second chance. Now she takes part in protecting Candyland alongside Sorbet instead.
Annéa is 126 years old and 170 cm tall, an alien queen from a planet that no longer exists, as well as bisexual.

One out of three siblings, Spumoni is the middle child. He's well-liked, but a lot of the time it's an act. He's an introvert at heart, but he also gets lonely easily, so he tries his best to interact with others, even though it tires him. It's taking a lot of work for him to actually relax and show all of himself to others, putting on a peppy front most of the time. The only one he's gotten close enough to drop his act for is Teala, who is his best friend, as well as his siblings Tutti Frutti and Milk.
The siblings' parents are quite demanding, and not even them have known the real Spumoni for quite a few years now. Spumoni spends a lot of his downtime in Teala's greenhouse and adjacent flowershop, where he finds himself able to wind down after his own job as a host at a themed restaurant.
Spumoni's right leg is a prosthetic, his leg ending mid-thigh. He's gay, 27 years old and 180 cm tall. His horns taste like cardamom if you lick them. The sprinkles in his hair are beads, not an actual part of him. The fur around his neck however, is.

Tutti Frutti
Tutti Frutti
Tutti Frutti is the oldest of her and her siblings, at 30 years old. She's a huge extrovert, someone who loves to party and will take the chance to celebrate any little occassion. She's the sibling their parents find the hardest to control, as she's marching to the beat of her own drum, refusing to be anjything other than who she wants to be.
She likes to play pranks on people, but sometimes she takes things a little bit too far, without intending to. She never means anything bad with her actions, she just tends to get wrapped up in her own ideas, though she is also fairly easy to distract depending on how set she is on doing whatever it is she wants to do. She skips around jobs easily, enjoying the change and has an easy time making connections that leads to new opportunities.
She's an asexual lesbian at 172 cm tall and 30 years old.

Being the youngest of their siblings, Milk is somehow the most level-headed of them. They like to keep to themselves and play video games, but will gladly invite others to join if the mood to play multiplayer or to keep someone company strikes. Their parents were a bit too boring when naming them and their siblings, according to Milk, and so they changed their name. Maybe just naming your kids after their flavour doesn't work out all the time.
A confectioner by trade, they spend their days at a bakery, but their interest in video games has led them to take part in helping some friends develop one for fun, though it's still in the very early stages. Milk mainly takes part in the sound design of the game.
Milk is 160 cm tall and 23 years old. They're pansexual and genderfluid, though their pronouns stay being they/them for the most part.

Rose hibiscus
Nicknamed Crybaby, Teala is quick to tears but doesn't care if others find that embarrassing. Why would he? When he's happy he'll laugh, when he's sad, he'll cry. He finds there to be something cathartic in letting your emotions out freely. He encourages those around him to consider what they're feeling, think about it and work it through.
He has his own greenhouse attached to a flowershop, and a small garden surrounding the small house he lives in at the outskirts of town. His father came to the planet together with Annéa, and by the time she had fallen for Sorbet, Teala's dad had already fallen for a woman in Candyland, Teala soon born from their relationship.
His horns smell of cinnamon. He's 26 years old, 145 cm tall and bisexual. He was born without the lower half of his left arm, and rarely wears a prosthetic, though he does own one.

Puchi Angel
As an incubus, Puchi came to Candyland from a different realm altogether, to gather as much lust as she possibly can. She thrives off of the raw emotion of lust, passion, want, to the point that it can sometimes get a little intoxicating. Alcohol doesn't affect her, but lust does, if she consumes too much of it at once. She's a little bit of a sadist, but makes sure not to take it where her partners are uncomfortable. There is nothing as offputting as the sour taste of someone not into what they're doing.
She can feed off the lust of other people as well, not just from what she takes part of herself, but she much prefers getting directly involved; it's so much more fun that way.
She's pansexual, her only preference when it comes to partners being that she is the dominant one. She met Gumdrop as a one-night-stand, the relationship developing into that of friends with benefits, until she realised that the other woman was in love with her, at which point she ended that part of their relationship. They're trying to figure out where they stand now.
She's 171 cm tall and 599 years old.