2022 Takeuchi and Suwa are standing in the snow, snowheavy trees behind them, the light of a light post shining on them. Takeuchi's arms are around Suwa, one hand inside Suwa's cape, the other on his back. Suwa is loosly holding the drawstrings of the hood to Takeuchi's jacket. Suwa is wearing a black cape, a red shirt and black gloves. Takeuch is wearing a pastel purple and turqouise puffy jacket and brown gloves, the hood of the jacket up over his head. Direct follow-up to the picture directly above. Suwa tugs at the drawstring of Takeuchi's jacket's hood, almost closing the opening. Takeuchi looks surprised, Suwa smug. Takeuchi is carrying Maeda off over his shoulder, Maeda looking angry, saying 'Takeuchi put me down!', to which Takeuchi answers 'no' with a little heart after. He's about to make Maeda take a nap. Image is a redraw of the cover of a manga called 'Go for it, Nakamura!' with Takeuchi in the center of the picture, looking extremely flustered. In his left hand he's clutching a chemical bottle that's bubbling and smoking bright blue. His right hand clings to his lab coat. In the background are four hearts and two stars, each containing a picture of Maeda making various expressions. The text on the picture reads 'Go for it, Takeuchi!' Scattered about the picture are little Yamagami radar robots. Suwa, dressed as Gomez Addams in a purple and black striped suit, dipping Takeuchi in a dance, arm around Takeuchi's waist. Takeuchi is dressed as Morticia Addams, eyes clodes as he laughs, head tipped back. One arm is around Suwa's shoulders, the other on his arm. Chibi drawing of Takeuchi and Suwa. They're holding hands, leaning into each other. In their opposite arms they're holding plushies with button eyes of each other, dressed in their regular outfits. Takeuchi is wearing a white dress shirt, orange striped trouser, darkred socks, brown shoes and suspenders. Suwa is wearing a red turtleneck shirt, black ripped jeans and knee-high boots. The full group of Zero members with pride flags, drawn for pride month. Kurusu is holding a small paper flag with the questioning flag on it. Yamagami is adjusting a tie with the demisexual flag, Suwa is wearing a pin with the polyamory flag on it, Takeuchi is wearing the same flag as a bowtie. They've both got a big gay flag around their shoulders, Suwa with his arms around Takeuchi's waist. Takeuchi's suspenders has the trans flag as stripes. His hand is on his shoulder, holding the big flag steady. Maeda has an untied tie around his neck with the pansexual flag on it, as well as a belt with the colours and symbol of the polyamory flag. He has a cigarette between his fingers. Everyone but Suw ais wearing a white button-up shirt. Suwa however is wearing a black turtleneck shirt. Suwa, dressed in a black shirt with skulls along the neckline, a mask over his face. He says 'Sometimes, stupid and cute ARE enough.' A thought bubble is neck to his head, with a gear inside it. The first image in a sequence of three images. Maeda is sleeping on his back, eyes closed, looking peaceful. Takeuchi is lying on his side, cheek resting on his hand as he watches Maeda sleep. They're both naked, covered by a blanket, pillows under their heads. The second image in a sequence of three images. Takeuchi wakes Maeda up with a poke to the arm, grinning at him. Maeda has a tiny smile on his face as he looks back at Takeuchi. The final image in a sequence of three images. They're now close, about to kiss, Takeuchi's hand on Maeda's chest, Maeda's hands in Takeuchi's hair. Doodle of Takeuchi dressed in his outfit from the first chapter of the manga, where Aoi runs into him and Yamagami. He's wearing a dress shirt, suspenders and slacks, in the middle of untying his bowtie with one hand. Chibi drawing of Maeda and Takeuchi. Takeuchi with his legs pulled up to his chest and hands on his knees as he kisses Maeda on the cheek. Maeda's sitting with his legs wide apart, lit cigarette in his hand. They're both blushing. Misaki and Aoi dressed as flappers, Misaki with her short hair curled at the tips, a fur boa over her shoulders. She's wearing a loose golden yellow dress that goes from mid-length in the front to full length in the back. A green sash is tied into a ribbon in the back at her hips. Aoi is wearing her hair down and curled, a red band in her hair. She's wearing a black halterneck dress that is tied together at the nape of the neck into a long ribbn. The dress is tight on the top but loose and tiered in the skirt. Misaki is wearing green shoes, Aoi black shoes. Mini comic with Takeuchi and the vampire children from the anime. Panel one: A hand tugs on Takeuchi's cardigan. Panel two: closeup of Takeuchi's eye as he looks down. Panel three: A boquet of flowers are shoved in Takeuchi's face. Panel four: The children are holding flowers, a ludo board and a picknick basket. Panel five: Takeuchi looks really happy, hand on his cheek, hearts and sparkles by him. Takeuchi, Suwa, Kurusu and all the vampire children from the anime are on a night time picnic. Suwa has his head on Takeuchi's lap, Takeuchi's hand in his hair. Most of the kids are playing ludo while Kurusu is taking to Ayame, some blood pudding on a fork, about to eat. They're eating blood pudding and drinking blood from mugs. Branches from trees can be seen in the foreground. Takeuchi dressed in a long maiddress, leg up on a stool, fastening a thigh high sock to the garter, which shows off both his legs. Paired with the picture directly below. Suwa is lying on his stomach inside a couch, the seating cushions on top of him. He's talking to Takeuchi on the phone. Paired with the picture directly above. Takeuchi is lying on a bed, legs up against the wall, a standing vacuum in his hand, the wheels of the vacuum next to his feet on the wall. He's talking to Suwa on the phone.