2022 Suwa and Takeuchi dancing, Takeuchi's right hand resting in Suwa's left, his left hand on Suwa's shoulder, Suwa's right around Takeuchi's waist. Suwa isn't wearing his mask, uniform jacket or weapons belt. Takeuchi is without his lab coat and utility belt. Doodle of Takeuchi, hair down and no eyepatch, tucking a sweater into his jeans and folding down a popped collar. Takeuchi with his elbows on a table, head in his hands, pouting. His hair is down and he's wearing a black sweater with a colourful diamond pattern. Takeuchi and Suwa taking a selfie. They're both flashing peace signs, Takeuchi grinning with his eye closed, Suwa with a slight blush hidden behind a mask. Takeuchi is wearing a white shirt with a wide neckline, Suwa is wearing a red hoodie. The picture is done to look like the camera app on a phone. Takeuchi and Suwa taking a selfie. They're both flashing peace signs, Takeuchi grinning with his eye closed, Suwa with a slight blush hidden behind a mask. Takeuchi is wearing a white shirt with a wide neckline, Suwa is wearing a red hoodie. The picture is decorated with a bunch of stickers shaped like ribbons, gummybears, stars, hears, sparkles etc. Suwa, Kurusu, Yamagami and Takeuchi with flowers growing where their stigmatas are. Suwa: blue Nigella on his wrist, pink Aster on his head, yellow Alstroemeria on his neck, orange Rhododendron on his shoulder. Kurusu: Red Zinnia on his neck. Yamagami: blue Forget-me-not on his wrist. Takeuchi: pink and purple Mentha in his eye.All the flower meanings were taken from hanakotoba.net 2021 Doodle of Takeuchi taste testing mixtures to make new blood candy. Takeuchi with his back turned to the screen, sitting on a ledge, the moon shining down on him. He's wearing a corset vest over a dress shirt and trousers. Takeuchi and Maeda, hugging Yamagami. Takeuchi with his cheek pressed to Yamagami's, Maeda with his head on top of Yamagami's. Comic strip with three panels. Panel one: Takeuchi and Kurusu dressed as Santa and a reindeer. Panel two: closeup of their faces, looking in excited awe. Panel three: Suwa dressed as Krampus. Picture that reads 'God jul' (happy yule in swedish). Takeuchi, dressed as Santa, sitting on the ground is wrapping presents, Suwa, dressed as Krampus, sitting on a big wicker basket. Kurusu is dressed as a reindeer, putting decorations on a yule tree. Suwa and Takeuchi dressed in snuggly winter jackets and scarves, Takeuchi's tied into a bow. Doodle of Takeuchi, hair down and no eye-patch on, dressed in a frilly nightgown, modelled after one that I've sewn for myself. Takeuchi who has fallwn asleep at his desk, cheek resting on a closed book, papers and bottles of colourful substances around him. Takeuchi sitting on the floor, countless books spread around him, his left arm propped up on one of the pile of books. side of his head leaning against his hand. His right hand is resting on an open book on his lap. The room is lit by a lowhanging naked lightulb. Doodle of Takeuchi, sitting down, humming to himself as he buttons up his shirt. His hair is down. Doodle of Takeuchi with his hair down, smiling. Suwa and Takeuchi sitting on the floor, a gramophone between them, playing music. Takeuchi has the sleeve for a record between his hands, esting on his drawn up legs. Suwa is smiling at Takeuchi, who is smiling back, eye closed. Kurusu lifting both Suwa and Takeuchi, Suwa sitting on his right shoulder, Takeuchi on his left. Suwa is leaning his arms on Kurusu's head, Takeuchi's left hand is in Kurusu's hair. Suwa is wearing a hoodie and dark jeans, Takeuchi a buttonup and striped trousers. Kurusu is wearing a longsleeved shirt. Takeuchi holding Yamagami by the side of the face, kissing his cheek. Yamagami is blushing.